
Supremacy is a series of metaverse-enabled games based on Earth in the year 2149, consisting of different game platforms that simulate different parts of the metaverse.

Supremacy is a series of metaverse-enabled games based on Earth in the year 2149, consisting of different game platforms that simulate different parts of the metaverse.

– Action (play through combat, resource management, player management and traditional game mechanics).
– Economy (play through a near-realistic economic simulation).
– Entertainment (play via spectator-voting mechanisms).
– Utility (play via play and earn systems).

The first phase is the Battle Arena:
Play to earn real-time battle game, where War Machines powered by AIs fight for control of the battlefield. Participants can use their influence to turn the tide of the battle in their favor for in-game rewards.

In the year 2149 on Earth, the worldwide currency is SUPS, which are used to buy, sell, earn and trade. Can money buy you happiness? No, but it can buy War Machines and victory. SUPS is an Binance Smart Chain BEP-20 token, that will be tradable on Pancake Swap following the Public Utility Token Sale on the 22nd of February.

Ninja Syndicate’s aim is to create fun and engaging game experiences for different types of gamers: RPG-ers, spreadsheet nerds, strategy masterminds, or all-rounders.



What is Supremacy

Supremacy is a single game world comprising a collection of game platforms that interact together synchronously in the metaverse in real-time; actions by one Citizen on one platform may have wide-ranging effects on Citizens planet-wide.

Each platform is designed to be played independently (without the need to interact with other platforms within the metaverse) AND concurrently (in conjunction with other platforms). The Citizen gets to choose.

Supremacy allows for both single play on a platform chosen by the Citizen, depending on their gameplay preference, and cooperative play, where different players simultaneously take on different rolrs on other playforms.

NFT War Machines

War machines are AI controlled and armed to the teeth. Equipped with weapons, armour, control systems and expansion slots, War Machines stand the size of an apartment building, and are designed to wreak havoc and cause maximum damage.

Starting with base models, Citizens will soon use in-game tokens to upgrade their War Machines with better weapons, stronger armour, offensive and defensive systems and AI pilots.

The Supremacy Metaverse  Gaming Platforms

Whitepaper v1.0.10  February 2022

This Whitepaper is drafted in general terms and is only for informational use.
This Whitepaper is not intended to constitute an offer to sell or an invitation to an offer to buy and/or subscribe to any crypto-asset, security, or any other financial instrument or investment product.
By accepting this Whitepaper, the reader represents and warrants that they understand, accept, and acknowledge that the crypto-asset market involves risks that any potential participant should carefully consider before deciding whether any potential participant should proceed with any involvement in any crypto asset. It shall be the reader’s sole responsibility to become informed of any risks that may arise in connection with this Whitepaper, any given crypto asset, crypto-asset markets, and the areas of blockchain and distributed ledger technology in general.
This Whitepaper, in whole or in part, and any copies thereof, shall not be taken or transmitted to any country where the distribution of Whitepapers is prohibited or restricted, or otherwise contrary to the law.
This document is a living document – content may change at any time. The Authors, Contributors, and Ninja Syndicate reserve their right to reissue this document at their absolute discretion. Any spelling and punctuation errors are unintentional and reviewed at the next version release.

About Ninja Syndicate

Ninja Syndicate is a game studio based in Perth, Australia, established in 2020. Its team of designers, artists, and engineers have spent over 12 months transforming the Supremacy idea and bringing it to life.
Our team designs, builds and deploys highly technical platforms for business clients by the day. Specialties include data management, business analytics, and user experience. Our talented team spends time deep in code, creating and fixing bugs, building straightforward and complex game mechanics, scribbling down robot designs, and playing strategy games by night.

About this Whitepaper

This Whitepaper provides a brief description of the Supremacy metaverse, its use cases, and business proposition, including a description of Supremacy core game mechanics, game economy, and tokenomics.
In this Whitepaper

● The term On-World means within Supremacy (any platform or mechanism designed to simulate the in-game world, including actions in the real world that directly connect to the in-game world).
● All other environments that are not On-World are Off-World.
● Game Assets are all the created, manufactured, or purchased On-World items.
● Digital Assets are Game Assets represented Off-World.