Rise City Rug pull

RiseCity is a passive game in which you will not have to do anything other than claim once you have the buildings. Rise City Rug pull At first your priority will be to build them, for this you will need materials that will appear on the map every day. AContinue Reading

Supremacy is a series of metaverse-enabled games based on Earth in the year 2149, consisting of different game platforms that simulate different parts of the metaverse.

Supremacy is a series of metaverse-enabled games based on Earth in the year 2149, consisting of different game platforms that simulate different parts of the metaverse. – Action (play through combat, resource management, player management and traditional game mechanics). – Economy (play through a near-realistic economic simulation). – Entertainment (playContinue Reading

Axie Infinity is a game about collecting, raising and battling cute fantasy creatures called Axie.

Axie Infinity is a game about collecting, raising and battling cute fantasy creatures called Axie. Build unstoppable teams of Axies and conquer your enemies! Each Axie has unique strengths and weaknesses based on its genes. With billions of possible genetic combinations, the possibilities are truly infinite! Become a land baronContinue Reading