Burn DEC for Splinterlands Rewards

Burn DEC for Splinterlands Rewards


Splinterlands brings us a special, 5 year anniversary, token burning event called ‘The Great Burning’. This event will give players an opportunity to burn DEC tokens and earn rewards in the process!

It’s been five years since Splinterlands first sold their Alpha packs on the Steem network. And to celebrate they are bringing us a special event known as The Great Burning! The event will start on Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 and it will run for 30 days, ending on June 29th, 2023 and allow players to burn DEC tokens via a special page on the Splinterlands website.

The Burninating

Burned tokens must be submitted via the official webpage! Don’t try to manually burn the tokens yourself — you won’t get any credit for this event by doing so. And in an interesting twist, players actually earn more points for contributing earlier! The first day, all tokens burned will be worth three points. After that, their value decreases daily until tokens are worth only one point on the final day.
Splinterlands plans to give away prizes to those who earn the most points from the burn. There will be prizes for the top 200 on the leaderboard at the end.

1 – “The Burninator” Legendary Title + 1 Tract

2 – “The Burninator” Legendary Title + 50 Plots

3 – “The Burninator” Legendary Title + 50 Plots

4 – “The Burninator” Legendary Title + 25 Plots

5 – “The Burninator” Legendary Title + 25 Plots

6 – “The Burninator” Legendary Title + 25 Plots

7 – “The Burninator” Legendary Title + 25 Plots

8 – “The Burninator” Legendary Title + 10 Plots

9 – “The Burninator” Legendary Title + 10 Plots

10 – “The Burninator” Legendary Title + 10 Plots

11 – 60 – “The Incinerator” Epic Title

61 – 200 – “The Scorcher” Rare Title

potential prizes from the raffle
There will also be a raffle available to all. Everyone receives one raffle entry for every 10K DEC or DEC-B (DEC Batteries) they burn during the event. At the end, there will be a raffle for a number of prizes, including land plots, and even Alpha and Beta packs!

The prizes for the raffle are as follows:

Land Plot (200 total available)
Alpha Pack (100 total available)
Beta Pack (250 total available)
Untamed Pack (500 total available)
Nightmare Pack (1000 total available)
Riftwatchers Pack (1000 total available)
Runi (25 total available)
In addition, all DEC burned during this event will be converted into Guild Power. This will be used in an upcoming update that will revamp guilds and guild buildings. Guild Power is attached to a player, and can even be taken with them when they leave the guild! We should learn more about this feature and guild updates in the near future.

Burn, Tokens, Burn!

Splinterlands has been desperately trying to find enough token burn opportunities to bring DEC value back to the expected 1 cent (0.001 USD) pen token. From pack sales to the the DEC Batteries to promo cards to land surveying and more! Unfortunately, despite all of these efforts, this seems to be a slow, grinding effort. DEC value still hovers below 0.0008 USD. Up quite a bit from the lows last year and trending upwards — but oh so slowly. And doubly unfortunate, having DEC at or above its expected peg is an important part of the SPS token ecosystem!

a good card… but not cheap!
And while the DEC Batteries sold out and the Land Surveying feature was very popular, the latest promo card sale, Zyriel, is not faring so well. The price point for this cards is quite high — $80 retail, but can be reduced to $40 by using VOUCHERS. Only about a third of the total supply of 15,000 have sold, and unless you are buying in bulk or want to take a roll at landing a gold foil, prices for Zyriel on the secondary market are around $36 — cheaper than buying from the sale! Now, the sale is only open until the end of May, so once the supply is limited, we may see a value increase. But, as a token burning mechanism, the Zyriel sale was not much of a success.

So you have to wonder if there isn’t some player fatigue for these sales. Hopefully this burn event won’t show any similar fatigue! Reports have it that there are about 6-7 billion tokens on HIVE, and a number of tokens on the Binance Chain as well. So there is still a lot of burning to do!

To learn more about Splinterlands, read our game guide. You can also visit their website, follow them on Twitter, and join their Discord server.