Buy a Piece of Planet IX with Netempire MetaShares Planet IX announces that the sale for MetaShares of the in-game, Netempire Corporation will open next week. The Netempire shares are more limited than those for other game corporations, and also receive funding from the in-game marketplace, giving these items someContinue Reading

GDC World  Create, explore and trade in the first-ever virtual world owned by its users.

GDC World  Create, explore and trade in the first-ever virtual world owned by its users. Explore LANDs owned by users to experience incredible scenes and structures. From a space adventure to a medieval dungeon maze to entire villages crafted from the minds of community members. 1 Introduction 1.1 GLOBAL DIGITALContinue Reading

Monsterra Unwraps New In-game Features There are two game modes in Arena namely MSTR Betting and Leader Mode. Popular free-to-play and multi-chain NFT game, Monsterra has unveiled some newly added features resulting from its just concluded developmental activities. The team has built fresh new mechanisms, additional components, and exciting accessoriesContinue Reading

Pixelynx Mint for mau5trap NFTs Music and NFTs are still trying to find ways to merge gracefully, with varied success. Pixelynx, another contender in the web3 music scene, brings us a mint for mau5trap NFTs. These NFTs will hold unique, musical content, provide holders with ongoing airdrops, and allow holdersContinue Reading

Star Atlas Releases Major Showroom Update Star Atlas releases a major update to their Showroom, bringing bigger arena battles, more ships to fly, a racing simulation, and even jetpacks! Though the Showroom represents only one part of one station in the game universe, Star Atlas is already packing it fullContinue Reading